Author: a-indie

Burmese Bombshells

Burmese Bombshells release new song “Heaven Or Honolulu”🌴!

Singapore indie rock band Burmese Bombshells has released their latest single, “Heaven or Honolulu”🌴. The song is a guitar-driven track that showcases a nostalgic, mellow sound and clever songwriting. About Burmese Bombshells Burmese Bombshells is an indie band from Singapore formed in 2015 by high school students. The five members are Meg-Mel Dean (Vo.), Ethan […]


2022 best songs of the year🎉

For the first time as A-indie, songs have been selected irrespective of global trends with regard to the best singles of 2022. We live in an age where genres have become so fragmented that you can hear music from unknown newcomers on the other side of the world on Spotify. That said, this year was […]

Sourmilk"Sick Girl"
News, Release

Indonesian band Sourmilk releases debut track “Sick Girl”!

Sourmilk, an alternative rock band from Bali, Indonesia, will release their debut song ” Sick Girl. Sourmilk was formed in 2022, and “Sick Girl” is on the official Spotify playlist “.ORG”. Sourmilk Sourmilk’s band members are Jess(Vo./Gt.), Faiz(Gt.), Yudi Septyan(Ba.), and Noriz Kiki(Dr.). Their base, Denpasar, is located in southern Bali, Indonesia, and is the […]